Cheeseburger Pasta
Servings Prep Time
4serves 5minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4serves 5minutes
Cook Time
  1. Combine ingredients, except for cheese, in based of Tupperware Microwave Pressure Cooker. stir to make sure noodles are submerged. If not submerged add 1/2 cup extra beef stock.
  2. Seal and microwave on high power for 15 minutes. Remove from microwave and allow pressure to release naturally until indicator fully lowers, about 10-15 minutes.
  3. Stir and serve warm with cheese.
Recipe Notes

Nutritional Information (per serving) Calories: 470 Total Fat: 18g Satuarated Fat: 9g Cholesterol: 65mg Carbohdrate: 52g Sugar: 8g Fiber: 3g Protein: 25g Sodium: 1000mg Vitamin A: 8% Vitamin C: 6% Calcium: 25% Iron: 10%