Smoked Paprika Veal Loin with Crispy Polenta
  1. Combine the paprika, shallot, garlic and oregano, and massage into the veal slices. Allow to marinate for at least one hour.
  2. Place the polenta into a saucepan with chicken stock and water. Stir and bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Empty into a mixing bowl and allow to cool.
  3. Once cooled, mix together with the eggs and milk until combined.
  4. Pipe polenta into hot oil (180°C) into squiggly shapes and fry until crispy. Place onto absorbent paper and lightly dust with smoked paprika.
  5. Fry the veal in a hot pan with a splash of extra virgin olive oil. Once sealed, add the capers and Marsala and reduce sauce for approx 5 minutes. Serve with crispy polenta.