Experiment time in the Yoder Smoker, Smoked Garlic.

Using 11 garlic bulbs, i have trimmed the tops of each off. Stacked them into a foil pan. Drizzled a cup of olive oil over all of the bulbs making sure the oil soaks down into the garlic cloves. Then have sprinkled salt over the bulbs.

I have popped these into the smoker for about 3 1/2 hours. I have then left these to rest for a few hours. Then peeled and stored in a container. Straight into the fridge to cool down.

The next day I have put the cloves through a mandolin to slice, added oil to the jar and left in the fridge for future use.

Great in pastas, risotto, soups, really anything that calls for garlic. These have a nice flavour of smoke.