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Course Main Dish
Cuisine Pasta
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Course Main Dish
Cuisine Pasta
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
  1. Rub olive oil around the inside and outer edge of the 2 Ltr Ultrapro.
  2. Open cans and combine the tomato puree and crushed tomato in a microwave jug and microwave on high for 5 mins.
  3. Pour a bit of the warm tomato mixture along the inside base of the 2 Ltr Ultrapro. (this give the lasagna sheets on the base something to cook to).
  4. Add cooked mince with onion to the tomatoes in the jug and blend with a spatula.
  5. Mix together the ricotta, pizza plus grated cheese, and freshly torn basil leaves in a large mixing bowl with the spatula.
  6. Place a sheet of lasagna on top of the sauce mixture inside the 2 Ltr Ultrapro and break another piece to fit all the remaining inside. It is OK to overlap slightly.
  7. Layer with meat & tomato sauce mixture.
  8. Layer with the cheese mixture using the spatula. It will be thick and chunky, so scoop and place small amounts on at a time.
  9. Layer with lasagna sheets.
  10. Layer the meat & tomato sauce.
  11. Layer with cheese mixture.
  12. Repeat 2-3 times total depending on how thick your layers are.
  13. Microwave on high for 12 minutes. Uncovered. Pre-heat oven to 220°C.
  14. Remove from microwave to the oven, cook for another 20-25 minutes until the edges are crispy and brown.
  15. Remove from the oven and allow to set and cool for 20 minutes before serving. Yum!! Yum!!
  16. Serves up to 12 people, great served with toss salad and garlic/herb bread.
Recipe Notes

Hints By using the “Pizza Plus” grated cheese it gives a nicer flavour, as it contains 3 different cheeses. You can use the puree or crushed tomatoes that do have the herbs in them if you wish. You can use fresh ricotta cheese, it is a little more fiddly though.

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