Welcome to the first ever blog post for Sam’s Kitchen.

I am Samantha, author of this Website’s Blog posts. I live in Adelaide, South Australia and i LOVE cooking and baking!

What is Sam’s Kitchen you ask?

This website was made to hold a collection of all my favourite recipes and recipes that i am wanting to try. These recipes have come from many different places, websites, magazines and people and is a way of me having them all together in one place. I have collected these over many years and unfortunately the original authors and owners have long been forgotten or lost. Now by all means if you are an author/ owner of these recipes, please feel free to drop a comment and link so that credit can obviously go to you. AND i do thank you for the delicious recipe.

What used to be simply a hoard of cut outs, screen shots, book marked pages of both websites and books and print outs of delicious sounding recipes became many, many scrap books and folders have now been turned into a helpful website so I can find them in a pinch and also share with you.

Another great area on this website is the cooking tips area which has a collection of cake decorating tips, easy cooking ideas and cheats for all your cooking needs. All again found over many years of collecting scraps from never ending places.

What is original from me is my main blog posts where I will be covering off what I have or am in the process of cooking, what they look like once cooked and whilst cooking and any substitutes I have used. As well as any tips or tricks and even fails I have come across.

I hope you enjoy and have many baking and cooking adventures. Please share your adventures and comment away.